On the 5th December 2016, The Centre for Banking Research at Cass Business School hosted a Panel Discussion titled Bank Resolution and the Mutualisation of Risk. Panellists discussed key challenges in bank resolution and their impact on the overall financial system. The cornerstone of the post crisis resolution framework in the European Union and other advanced economies is that losses and costs of adjustments should be borne by private investors and creditors rather than by tax payers. How effective is the replacement of ‘bail-out’ for ‘bail-in’ as a resolution mechanism and what are the pros and cons of this framework? On this occasion, we also launched the issue 2016.2 of European Economy – Banks, Regulation and the Real Sector, which examines the recent institutional and academic debate on the post crisis reform of resolution regimes.
18:00 – 18:20: Registration.
18:30 – 18:15: Opening:
- Barbara Casu, Director of the Centre for Banking Research, Cass Business School.
18:35 – 18:45: Introduction:
- Giorgio Barba Navaretti, University of Milan, and Chief-Editor of European Economy – Banks, Regulation, and the Real Sector.
18:50 – 19:50: Round Table chaired by Barbara Casu (Cass Business School):
- Thorsten Beck, Cass Business School.
- Peter Brierley, Bank of England.
- Vincent Decroocq, Single Resolution Board.
- Charles Goodhart, London School of Economics.
- Christos Hadjiemmanuil, London School of Economics.
19:50 – 20:10: Open discussion.