On the 5th July 2016, Bruegel hosted a Round Table on how to deal with the sovereign and banking risk loop is at the centre of the policy and regulatory debate. There is a widespread awareness that excessive exposures of banks towards sovereigns and vice-versa may be a source of systemic risk, under-rated by the current regulation.
At the same time, it is not clear how far limiting these exposures may in fact enhance or rather jeopardise global stability, especially given the still very slow pace of the recovery. There is also a widespread debate on the best policy measures to tackle this issue.
This event, organised to coincide with the launch of the issue 2016.1 of European Economy – Banks, Regulation, and the Real Sector discussed the key ingredients of this debate and the main policy options.
Event Material
Alberto Franco Pozzolo – Download Presentation.
16:00 – 16:10: Opening:
- Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Professor of Economics, University of Milan, and Chief Editor of European Economy-Banks, Regulation, and the Real Sector.
- Guntram B. Wolff, Director of Bruegel.
16:10 – 17:10: Panel discussion:
- Andrea Enria, Chairperson of the European Banking Authority.
- Alberto Franco Pozzolo, Professor of Economics, University of Molise, and Editor of European Economy-Bank Regulation and the Real Sector.
- Mario Nava, Director, Financial system surveillance and crisis management, European Commission, DG FISMA.
- Erik F. Nielsen, Group Chief Economist, Unicredit.
- André Sapir, Senior Fellow at Bruegel.
- Alexander Schulz, Head of Risk Analysis Division, Banking and Financial Supervision Department, Bundesbank.
17:10 – 17:50: Open Discussion.