FinTech companies in the European countries
Regulatory status of FinTech companies in Europe
Stylised facts on FinTech and banking
Banks, Regulation, and the Real Sector
José Manuel Mansilla Fernández is Lecturer (Profesor Contratado Doctor interino) at the Department of Business Management and Linked Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics (INARBE) of the Public University of Navarre. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of Granada (Spain).
Previously, he held two post-doctoral positions at the University of Milan and the University of Bologna (Italy). Additionally, he served as a predoctoral research fellow and teaching assistant at the Department of Economics of the University of Granada.
His main area of research is the Economics of Banking and Finance such as banking regulation, bank risk-taking, industrial organization, international trade and SME, trade credit and liquidity management. He published in peer-reviewed journals including Applied Economics Letters, Empirica, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, Hacienda Pública Española, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Revista de Economía Aplicada.
Lastly, he collaborates as Editorial coordinator of European Economy – Banks, Regulation, and the Real Sector.