- Publisher: Associazione Centro Studi Luca D'Agliano
- Edition: 2021.1
Banking and COVID: Past, Present, and Future
by Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Giacomo Calzolari and Alberto Franco Pozzolo
by José Manuel Mansilla-Fernández
by José Manuel Mansilla-Fernández
A Bird Eye (Re)view of Key Readings
by José Manuel Mansilla-Fernández
The European Banking Union: Challenges Ahead
by Howard Davies
Banking and COVID-19 – Through the Crisis and Beyond
by Thorsten Beck
Lessons From the Regulatory Response to the Covid-19 Crisis
by José Manuel Campa and Mario Quagliariello
Non-performing loans: an old problem in a new situation
by Ignazio Angeloni
Bank Lending to Euro Area Firms – What Have Been the Main Drivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
by Matteo Falagiarda and Petra Köhler-Ulbrich
Corporate Bond Issuance and Bank Lending in the United States
by Olivier Darmouni and Kerry Y. Siani
How Has the Covid-19 Crisis Impacted the Use of Machine Learning and Data Science in UK Banking?
by David Bholat, Oliver Thew, and Mohammed Gharbawi
Effect of COVID-19 on payment patterns: A policy perspective
by Nicole Jonker, Carin van der Cruijsen, Michiel Bijlsma, Wilko Bolt